
Showing posts from December, 2020

Spending your Sport Premium Funding Effectively

For children, schools provide the most accessible, and sometimes only opportunity for regular, structured play, physical education, physical activity, and sports.  And with so many children still learning from home, dropping in and out of self isolation, the opportunity for physical activity can become even more diminished.  During the first lockdown, only 19% of children met the recommended 1 hour of physical activity per day.   20% of inactive children stated that not going to school has reduced opportunities to be active. Therefore the importance of providing opportunities and keeping pupils activity level s  up within school should fall high on schools agendas.   To help schools effective spend there sport premium, Association for Physical Education (afPE) have recently released ' Covid-19 and school funding: 7 top tips for spending the Primary PE and Sport Premium' Below, we have outlined the Tips that we can directly help you to action:  TIP: Sustainability It may current